The APECS pilot line: European chiplet innovation

APECS leads the way in advanced packaging and heterogeneous integration by providing diverse technologies on a single platform.

Innovating right where European industry and science need it most


Application areas


What are the main application areas and topics of the APECS Pilot Line?


Vision and purpose


What do we wish to accomplish with the APECS Pilot Line? Read more about our main objectives.




Low volume production – high value chips. The APECS pilot line gives you access to key technologies and institutions.




Everything you need to know about the APECS pilot line.


The APECS pilot line in a nutshell

Matching the core needs of the European industry

Facilitating multilevel cooperation between European RTOs, industry, academia, and policy makers

Reshaping our national know-how within the European arena

Driving European competitiveness at peak performance

Bonding around heterogeneous integration and advanced packing under the demands of the green deal

Catalyzing fresh prospects for regional chip manufacturing


APECS is co-funded by the Chips Joint Undertaking and national funding authorities of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, through the Chips for Europe Initiative.

Thanks to substantial funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the federal states of Saxony, Berlin, Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein, Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg, and Saxony-Anhalt, it will be possible to further expand the R&D infrastructure in the coming years within the framework of the APECS pilot line.

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